Thursday, December 3, 2009


Religion is a little bit ridiculous.

That's not meant to insult religion or the people who hold it close to the heart. I just think that sometimes people get a little bit crazy when it comes to God and the bible.

I've heard the golden rule a million times!

"Do unto others..."

We tread ultimately close to the real issue when we talk about Christ, God and the crazy meaning of the bible.

I have had the opportunity to hear the Hate of people who quote/unquote believe in God. People who will kill a dude who is "Pro-Life" or who doesn't believe in the death penalty.

Lets talk about
Israel–Pakistan relations! The ultimate religious debate! It's nuts! These people who believe wholly in this book! Who believe they should KILL for justice and peace! It's un-fucking-believable!

If people would just believe (for a second) that we should be GOOD to one another, wouldn't we be better off? A mission in real faith? Because what religion do you want to believe in? One who judges people (for things that don't ultimately matter?) Or a new religion who says, "Love your neighbor."

Love him/her unconditionally.

Religion is tricky, but loving people seems obvious. That's all I know. That's always been my religion.